
Life is exhausting.

Everyone wants something from you and you are just TIRED of it. So you decided to fail them all miserably so they never ask you again and you can live your life in peace.

Have fun abadonding the humans around you.

About The Theme Of The Game:

This game was made completely by scratch and we tried to follow the Game Jam Theme "Failure Is Progress" as closely as possible. You can play the game completely normal and you'll be fine but if you want to get a good highscore you will need to fail your fellow humans very hard. For example by feeding them the food that they absolutely hate or throwing a basketball into their face.

What We Learned This Jam:

We are three dudes from Germany who just made their first game together.

We decided it would be a brilliant idea for our very first project to make a minigame collection. We planned 3 games and barely got to "polish" 2 of them.

We learned that the scope of your game is an important thing to keep in mind. We were 1 artist and 2 programmers on this project and there was just not enough time to make a fully fleshed out minigame collection without any night-shifts. Even though we "only" got to make 2 games we are still very proud because we also learned how to properly use Unity. Before only one of us had ever used it longterm to develop games.

We hope you enjoy the game and feedback is always welcome. :)


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It is a brilliant concept, nice game :)

Ty very much :D